Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Last Bag

I bought fabric for this bag well over a year ago while still living in Colorado. I've been wanting to put my sewing machine away for awhile and focus on scrapbooking, so I thought I'd better whip out this bag, so that it wasn't lingering on my to do list. I wanted to make it more like a diaper bag, so I made it wider, not as tall and did a foldover closure on top.

For just making it up, I thought it turned out pretty well. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, save it for someone, use it myself, etc. But the project is completed, my sewing machine is put away and I'm back to scrapbooking. I can't even tell you how far behind I am on scrapbooking. Like, I've only got my honeymoon scrapbooked behind. : ) Oh well, I've got to start somewhere and with a 4th kid on the way, I know I'll never be caught up, so I'll just have fun slowly getting it done.


adventure knitter said...

I hear ya on catching up scrapbooking. I just started Jack's scrapbook and I have about a year to do for each of the girls.....I need to catch up before our baby comes too.

The Huff Family said...

Cute bag Lisa! I really like the fabric. I completely understand how hard it is to catch up on projects. I have a goal to finish all of my current sewing project and not to start any new ones until we move in June. I have my work cut out for me!

Unknown said...

You are so crafty Lisa! I'm going to try and make one of those bags sometime. I have to finish a bunch of other things first, but looking at how cute yours are completely inspired me!

Summer said...

Lisa you are so talented!! I really love your towels!! They are so creative!! I also love all your bags and quilts!

Also...thanks for stopping by blog and adding my button! I REALLY appreciate it!