Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hooter Hiders

My friend Lindsey, her blog link is to the right (It's all in the bag), gave me some instructions on how to make these and wha-la! They are actually so simple to make. If you aren't sure what they are for, imagine nursing a baby where you don't have to try to keep a blanket over your shoulder and you can actually peep down and see your little one. Very ingenious! The fabric on the baby side is soft, yet they aren't too heavy that they'll make the baby hot. I made these for some lucky cousins that are having girls. Again, what's with all the girls! I don't know of any boys right now!


Lettie B. said...

I've thought about making those for friends. They seem simple enough. Yours turned out SUPER CUTE. I like them.
And I checked out the It's All in the Bag link and everything there was fantastic too. You guys pick fun fabrics to use. :)

The Huff Family said...

They turned out great Lisa! Super cute fabric. Where did you get it?

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

those are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Lisa I have been wanting to make one of those so bad.. my baby always pulls and pushes the blanky away and the ones they have for sale around here are so expensive. I would love for you to email me the directions if you wouldn't mind. thanks Audrey

Unknown said...

I have one of those and they are truly invaluable when you are out and have to nurse! You are super crafty Lisa! I'm so proud of you! I never would have guessed you'd be making all these adorable things back when we were in high school. Although I never would have imagined myself sewing anything either and I do. Well we have become quite domestic haven't we!

Unknown said...

lisa i love chiecking out your site...i have a site similar where i post my stuff...hence the name www.shannonmakesstuff.blogspot.com thanks for the inspiration!!!

Laura and family said...

hey lisa! i dont know if you remember us, from the 7th ward. we just moved out to fountain. aaron worked w/your husband in the scouts. anyway, are you still making these? we have a 2 mo. baby boy, and i can't find them anywhere around here. would you be willing to make one for us? of course we'd pay you!

Amanda said...

Lisa--I'd like to make one of these for my sister for Christmas. Would you be willing to share the pattern? Thanks!

Lisa said...

I'd love to share the pattern, but you're going to have to tell me what Amanda you are and give me your email address so that I can send the directions on.